Investment in the future

A bathroom for whatever life throws at you

A new bathroom should be able to meet changing requirements for around 25 years, so it’s important to have a forward-looking design. Here’s a checklist of what to bear in mind:

Plan mains connections
It is more important than ever to have electrical connections in the bathroom. Putting a mains connection in the right place will ensure you can install an odour extraction unit or a shower toilet, even at a later date.

Step-free access to the shower
Floor even showers are discreet and make the bathroom safer, as well as making it look bigger. Perfect for both young and old.

Wall-hung toilet
If bathroom furniture and the toilet are hanging on the wall, it makes cleaning the floor underneath them a breeze. A wall-hung toilet can also be installed at a custom seat height, and with some models, it is even possible to adjust the height later on.

Concealed trap
The trap under the washbasin can get in the way if the user sits in front of the washbasin on a stool or in a wheelchair. A concealed trap removes this barrier completely.

Keep an eye on dimensions
Doors and passageways need to be wide enough, whether you have a small child in your arms or you are in a wheelchair. When planning the bathroom furniture, you must make sure that everyday objects are within easy reach.

Secure hold for support handles
The installation elements behind the tiles have great load-bearing capacity. Ideally, you should install stable mounting plates in critical places right at the beginning – such as by the toilet or in the shower. This will not cost very much and will allow support handles to be installed as and when they are needed, with no need for structural changes. It is important to remember to keep the planning documents safe.

What is a barrier-free bathroom?

Barrier-free bathroom with washplace, WC and floor-even shower

Having a barrier-free bathroom is all about avoiding obstacles. Barrier-free bathrooms are age-appropriate, wheelchair-accessible or adapted for the less-abled. They allow people with limited mobility to continue to take care of their own personal hygiene independently. Barrier-free bathroom design thus ensures more independence and increases the quality of life.

Sufficient space and freedom of movement, good lighting conditions and antislip flooring are important prerequisites for age-appropriate bathrooms. When it comes to sanitary installations, walk-in showers, wheelchair-accessible washbasins and height-adjustable, wall-hung toilets are both convenient and safe.

Which bathroom is the right one for you?

But, what exactly are your needs? Is space, cleanliness or the design important to you? Would you like user-friendly products or would you prefer that extra degree of comfort has to offer? Or would you prefer a universal design? No matter what your needs are, we simplify your daily routine with our clever bathroom solutions.

More space in the bathroom
Higher standard of cleanliness in the bathroom
More functional design in the bathroom
Greater comfort in the bathroom
Increased accessibility in the bathroom
Improved usability in the bathroom